What does your phone say about you?
Chris Dancy has been "reading" phones from San Francisco to Paris. Within seconds he can look at your home screen and tell you remarkable things about your life. Try it today!
No need to tell us who you are or where you work. Just upload your home screen to start!
Often we place apps in specific places without thinking about it, or are we? Did you ever stop to look at the icons in your apps?
Are you using apps or are they using you? Apps are just new filters for the way we work and play. You don't download apps, you download habits.
See why people from San Francisco to Paris are waiting in line for hours to have their phone read by Chris Dancy!!
It doesn't matter who you are, where you live, or what you do for work! Our phones are windows to our souls. Browse, search or filter phone readings below to see Phone Palmistry in action!
Know Your Future Today!
That's it! Be the first; only a limited number of phones will be read! Additionally, each phone will get a "Phone Shui" score from 0-10. Upload your phone screenshot right now!!!